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03 October 2023

03 October 2023

From Chaos to Order: Rewriting the Retail Story with CardExchange® PriceTag

Intro: Unleashing Order in the Retail Chaos
In the dynamic and demanding world of retail, presenting products attractively and clearly communicating essential information can often feel like a battle against chaos. With approximately 70% of purchasing decisions made in-store, according to Point of Purchase Advertising International, effective labeling can significantly influence customer choices.

Enter CardExchange® PriceTag, a game-changing software designed to bring order to this chaos. This seamless system automates food labeling, creating professional, hygienic, and durable labels with just a few clicks. No longer does your business need to grapple with unsightly labels or cumbersome creation processes. With CardExchange® PriceTag, your retail story can finally turn the page to a new chapter of simplicity and efficiency.


Elevating Your Brand Image with CardExchange® PriceTag
First impressions are crucial in the retail industry, and CardExchange® PriceTag helps make yours memorable. It facilitates the creation of eye-catching branding for your displays, promoting a high-quality, professional image. As research from Brigham Young University showed, items with signs outsold those without by 20%. Such an elevated presentation is sure to lure customers and drive sales, bringing increased success to your business.


On-Demand Printing: Meeting the Fluctuating Demands of Retail
Whether you're making last-minute display changes or introducing a new product, CardExchange® PriceTag has you covered. As a survey from IHL Group indicates, retailers lose nearly $1 trillion in sales when items are unavailable or employees can't find items due to incorrect inventory information. The system can print labels on demand in-store, quickly adapting to your evolving needs, preventing such losses.


Clear Product Information: Fostering Trust and Transparency
With global food regulations becoming more stringent, displaying clear nutritional information is no longer optional; it's a necessity. Nielsen's Global Health & Wellness survey found that 67% of consumers prefer to buy products with clear health claims. CardExchange® PriceTag allows you to easily add nutritional and allergen information to pre-defined templates, ensuring customers know precisely what your products contain. It's not just about compliance; it's about fostering trust and transparency with your customers.

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Communicating Ingredients & Allergens Clearly and Attractively
With CardExchange® PriceTag, you can communicate product ingredients and allergens clearly while still showcasing your products in all their glory. As stated by a report from Label Insight, 94% of consumers are likely to be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency. The software assists you in making labeling and allergen information clear and easy-to-read, providing a superior customer experience.


Conclusion: Rewrite Your Retail Story with CardExchange® PriceTag
CardExchange® PriceTag is not merely a tool but a strategic partner that assists in transforming your retail business from a realm of chaos into a landscape of order and efficiency. By choosing CardExchange® PriceTag, you're not just selecting a label-making software; you're choosing to rewrite your retail story into one of success, efficiency, and most importantly, customer satisfaction. According to a survey by PwC, 73% of all people point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions. Turn the page to this new chapter with CardExchange® PriceTag, and watch your retail business evolve like never before.

Feel free to try the CardExchange® PriceTag Trial or Buy Now. Your path to retail success is just a few clicks away.